The Most Wonderful Time of the Day

By Twotimesthefun @slcs48n1
There are many nights when the girls are verging on meltdowns at bedtime. They are so tired from their day that they are ready to fall into a heap. We've laughed, yelled and ignored them to deal with it.
Last week I started singing to them. Using the Christmas tune "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" I sang:
It's the most wonderful time of the day
When the girls are tired
and going to sleep
And Mommy and Daddy get to play
It's the most wonderful time of the day
The girls sang their version tonight:
It's the most wonderful time of the day
When Mommy and Daddy are sleeping
and we get to plaaaaaaaaaay
It's the most wonderful time of the day
We all laughed because in the end we were both right. The most wonderful time of the day is when they go to sleep. The girls won't appreciate how good it is to put your children to bed until they have children. No matter how much you love them, it's always good to put them to bed after a long, fun day.