The Most Obvious of Obvious.. Pimples!.. With a Zola Review!

By Sarahohm @sarahohm
Hey Loveys,
Happy Wednesday! Can you believe the famous Hump Day is here already? :) We just have to make it through this day and it's SMOOTH sailing from here until the weekend! The weather here in Toronto has been fantastic all week and I seem to recall getting told that this weekend is supposed to be shitty weather. Of course it would be shitty on the weekend - why would I except anything else, right?
Yesterday was a rough day for me. I had absolutely no energy to make it through the day. I probably could have went to bed at 7pm and slept through the whole night (that and because I'm like a 70 year old in a 24 year old's body when it comes to energy and sleep amounts that are appropriate for me). I was at work last night until about 6:30pm because C started a 12 week TRX bootcamp!! I'm so excited for him! I did a 6 week TRX bootcamp last summer and absolutely loved it. I think I'm completely out of TRX shape at this point because a couple months ago I did just 1 TRX workout and almost died. When I was doing the bootcamp though, it was directly after I had done my half-marathon so I was in MINT shape and killed the bootcamp. I think I was the winner in my group for doing the most 1-legged TRX lunges. Sweet :).
I got home after and just wanted to chill out. I cracked open a Somersby (Thanks Katie for getting me hooked on these! :D) and got my skin care on. I use ProActiv because I have super acne prone skin so I like to use their masks all over my face to help prevent breakouts in general. Turns out I haven't used them in a while and broke out with 2 pimples this week. Is it just me, or whenever you do get a pimple it's right in the most obvious spot on your face?

Mine appeared right on my lower lip, and right in the middle of my cheek.... obviously. UGH. How embarrassing. Operation Make Them Disappear in full force. I looked up what the main foods are that cause breakouts:
- too much bad fats
- dairy products
- refined carbohydrates
- caffeine
- processed foods
So looking back on the weekend and last week... did I consume any of these things?
Well I have dairy in my coffee (there's 2 points there) but that's normal. It's no like I just started using cream in my coffee... so that wouldn't all of a sudden two massive things to appear on my face. Did I eat any bad fats? Not that I recall. Nor did I eat any processed foods. OH WAIT! I had Subway on Friday night after we went out... I had a 6" sub with chicken breast... that's refined carbs and probably a bit processed. Speaking of processed, I'm sure vodka falls into that category as well and I had more than my fair share of that on Friday night. I could feel these pimples starting on Sunday so it must have been the drinking on Friday night. That's definitely what I'm blaming it on.
A few months ago the wonderful people at Zola Coconut Water sent me over a few of their products to try out and review!

The package even came with WICKED sunglasses!

They sent a can of their coconut water with pulp, a can without pulp and their new Acai Berry juice. It took me a while to use all of the products because I had some previously boughten coconut water that I had to use up and I only really use it in smoothies. I absolutely loved these products. I think my favorite was the coconut water with pulp. I'm a huge fan of coconut so whenever I can get myself some of the delicious coconut meat I eat it up like nobody's business.
Their products come in some seriously generous cans. I'm not sure how big they are officially (I'm through all of them and have kindly recycled all 3 cans/bottles) but they are large, too large for 2 of the 3 shelves in my condo sized fridge. 1 can probably lasted me 4 different smoothies... see? A lot! I used the Acai Berry juice in my famous berry smoothies that I had been drinking all last week... and it made it even more berry-licious than normal!

Acai berries look like blueberries, don't you think?

Acai berry juice has been popular in the media lately because of some of the health claims people have been making about acai berry juice. The acai berry juice is full of fiber, carbs, healthy fats, amino acids and is an energy and immune system stimulant! Because it has the right mix and density of nutrients it helps rev up immunity and metabolism in the body (yay cold fighting!). It's extremely high in antioxidants (which helps fight free radicals that can lead to cancer...) and the acai berry oil has a high level of EFA's (essential fatty acids) (Omega 6&9) which support cardiovascular health and boosts the immune system. Also, the phytosterols in the oil can lower blood pressure and help fight cancer.
Ah... so I was super excited to review these products for Zola. If you ever see their products you should definitely pick some up and test it out for yourself!
Alright people - have a great Wednesday!! I wish you the humpiest of hump days (hehehe).
Q: Have you tried Zola products before?
Q: Are you finding my foodie information helpful? Are you learning? I'd love feedback! It's been about 2 weeks since I said I was going to focus on food and nutrition more than fitness (for a month) to see how it goes over... so half way mark! Leave some love and let me know what you think!