The Most Impressive Confetti Throwing Ever! A Herefordshire Wedding

By Claire

The bride and groom: Lisa and Rob

Who pro­posed, and how? Rob pro­posed in Jervis Bay (Aus­tralia), by sur­pris­ing me with a week­end away. We stayed in a beau­ti­ful “lux­ury” camp­site, which included show­er­ing under the stars!

Wed­ding venue: Cod­ding­ton Church, Homme House for Reception

Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher: Gemma Williams –

How would you describe your wed­ding style? Idyl­lic Eng­lish coun­try­side

By wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Gemma Williams:

Lisa & Rob now live in Aus­tralia, but returned to Here­ford­shire for their wed­ding in July. Lisa had arranged every­thing from Oz, and they only returned to the UK a cou­ple of days before the wed­ding for the last minute prepa­ra­tions. They had done an amaz­ing job, as their wed­ding day went absolutely perfectly!

Rob’s fam­ily live just down the lane from a beau­ti­ful lit­tle church in rural Cod­ding­ton, and Lisa got ready in a B&B just the other way up the lane, so every­thing was within walk­ing dis­tance of the cer­e­mony. The church was filled with the scent of the sweet peas, corn­flow­ers, roses and other wild­flow­ers, all grown by Rob’s dad in their gar­den for the occa­sion. As the boys sorted out their pink ties, the bride had her hair done by Hilary’s Wed­locks and care­fully got into her gor­geous vin­tage lace dress which she had brought in her hand-luggage with her all the way from Australia.

The cer­e­mony was very inti­mate, with a spe­cial arrange­ment of ‘Some­where Over The Rain­bow’ sung by a friend, and read­ings by fam­ily. Rain threat­ened as Lisa & Rob left the church as hus­band and wife, but it didn’t stop the most impres­sive confetti-throwing ever! The newly-weds sped off to Homme House in their open-top vin­tage sports car with tin cans trail­ing behind them.”

Homme House: a 15th cen­tury Here­ford­shire wed­ding venue

Homme House is a lovely homely venue, dat­ing back to the 15th Cen­tury, and is sur­rounded by park­land and wood­land. The mar­quee at Homme was beau­ti­fully dec­o­rated with old jars and vases filled with more sweet peas and wild­flow­ers, and the table names were draw­ings of var­i­ous Aus­tralian ani­mals! I par­tic­u­larly liked the kook­aburra and the wom­bat! The cake by Spe­cial Ice matched the rus­tic Eng­lish flo­ral theme with more sweet peas on every tier. After din­ner and speeches, every­one grabbed their drinks and headed from the mar­quee into the main house, where the evening’s par­ty­ing got off to a fab­u­lous start with Lisa & Rob’s enthu­si­as­tic first dance!“

Lisa and Rob had a reli­gious wed­ding and chose the Song of Solomon, along with Desider­ata (full text below as it’s such a beau­ti­ful read­ing and one I want to remem­ber!) as their wed­ding readings.

Go placidly amidst the noise and haste, and remem­ber what peace there may be in silence. As far as pos­si­ble with­out sur­ren­der be on good terms with all per­sons. Speak your truth qui­etly and clearly; and lis­ten to oth­ers, even the dull and the igno­rant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggres­sive per­sons, they are vex­a­tious to the spirit. If you com­pare your­self with oth­ers, you may become vain or bit­ter; for always there will be greater and lesser per­sons than yourself.

Enjoy your achieve­ments as well as your plans. Keep inter­ested in your own career, how­ever hum­ble; it is a real pos­ses­sion in the chang­ing for­tunes of time.

Exer­cise cau­tion in your busi­ness affairs; for the world is full of trick­ery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many per­sons strive for high ideals; and every­where life is full of heroism.

Be your­self. Espe­cially, do not feign affec­tion. Nei­ther be cyn­i­cal about love; for in the face of all arid­ity and dis­en­chant­ment it is as peren­nial as the grass.

Take kindly the coun­sel of the years, grace­fully sur­ren­der­ing the things of youth. Nur­ture strength of spirit to shield you in sud­den mis­for­tune. But do not dis­tress your­self with dark imag­in­ings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a whole­some dis­ci­pline, be gen­tle with your­self. You are a child of the uni­verse, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the uni­verse is unfold­ing as it should. There­fore be at peace with God, what­ever you con­ceive Him to be, and what­ever your labors and aspi­ra­tions, in the noisy con­fu­sion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its shams, drudgery, and bro­ken dreams, it is still a beau­ti­ful world. Be cheerful.

Strive to be happy.

[source: Wikipedia]

What did you wear?

Rob wore tra­di­tional tails, Lisa wore a cream lace wed­ding dress

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers