The Most Dangerous City in the World to Visit

By Poundtravel
English: Las Mercedes, Caracas. Venezuela. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The last edition of the ranking showing most dangerous cities in the world ranks first city in Latin America.

The study was conducted by an organization in Mexico Citizens Council, and includes a comprehensive analysis on violence and crimes committed in large cities with over 300,000 inhabitants. The study was published in January, and the first worldwide is Caracas, capital of Venezuela, writes Business Insider. The city was ranked second in top years 2013 and 2014, with over 100 murders per 100,000 inhabitants. In 2015, the murder rate was 119.87 to 100,000 inhabitants. Increasing acts of violence is closely linked to economic, social and political instability. Alejandro Velasco, a professor at New York University, says that criminals do not respect laws because of an incorrect legal system, with penalties that are applied selectively. Also an important role drug trafficking and instability caused by civil conflict in neighboring Colombia.

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Thus, in recent years drug traffickers and criminal groups in Colombia have become increasingly active in Venezuela. For this reason, last year the Venezuelan authorities have decided to close the border with the neighboring country and the expulsion of thousands of Colombians living illegally near the border. Official data on crimes and violent crimes committed in Venezuela are not published, so estimates are based only on analysis of past trends, therefore the real situation could be much worse than the study presented by the Council of Citizens, says political analyst Dorothy Krónika. The organization based the study on data Bello Monte morgue in Caracas, where victims of crimes are brought from a much larger region, not just in the city. Over 80% of corpses who come here are victims of crime. Thus, according to data from the Citizens Council in Caracas metropolitan area 3946 crimes occurred at 3,291,831 inhabitants in 2015. Most violent incidents occurred in the poorer areas of the city.

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Also in assaults involving mostly young. According to a UNICEF study published in 2014, murders are the main cause of death among young people in Venezuela. Thus, in adolescents aged 10-19, the rate is 39 murders per 100,000 people. Most often, violent deaths are not premeditated murder, but incidents involving aggression (robberies, beatings), which ultimately leads to death of victims. Poor areas of the city are controlled by criminal gangs, and guns are easy to obtain. In addition, because of inflation, consumer products are rare and very expensive, and people sit for hours in line to buy them. Thus, they become sitting ducks, carrying their big money and more time sitting in the street. At night, residents of Caracas avoid going out houses, while the richest prefer to go out only with armed bodyguards. Restaurants close early and the party continues then privately in homes rich residents, who pay the chefs to come to them and cook them to be safer.


Originally posted 2016-03-21 15:31:36. Republished by Blog Post Promoter