The Most Common City Names in the US [Infographic]

Posted on the 02 May 2016 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

Look over a map of the United States carefully and you’ll notice some of the same names popping up over and over again: Springfield, Washington, Georgetown and more. It can often seem like every state is home to a town or city sharing one of these names, and it turns out that in many cases, the majority of states are. One of the recurring jokes on the Simpsons television series is the way in which the writers coyly hide which of the many Springfields the show is set in.

So, what are the most common city names in the United States? The team at, searched through the full list of US cities and towns to find and rank the most common city names in the US, then charted them on a map. Before scrolling down, take a guess at which city name takes the cake — you may be surprised!
