The Miseducation of Byron Thomas. Or, If This is What They Are Teaching Black Kids, I’m Homeschooling.

By Gradmommy @cocomamamas

Originally posted on Doctor Mama Esquire:

Another example of how this week has just been too much:

- By Byron Thomas, via WaPost

If this is what they are teaching black children in school - that their "ancestors" were Confederate cooks who "served" admirably (but like used as a tool for his own oppression?); that being black means you can't possibly support racist institutions (but see racism without racists); that racists have "hijacked" the Confederate flag ( but it was created to maintain a racist institution called SLAVERY); and there is an actual reasoned logical debate over whether the Civil War was fought because of slavery OR states' rights (but it was the states' rights to have slavery) - then I'm homeschooling starting tomorrow.

Because #ICant.

"history channel" by Reavel via flickr