If you have a young girl then you may just be familiar with the Dork diaries book series. If so then you may get the feeling that perhaps the boys are missing out a little. Now no one is saying that boys can't read Dork diaries too but given the girly characters and many pink and purple covers, it's easy to see why Dork diaries appeals more to girls.
Well worry not because now the author of Dork diaries (Rachel Renèe Russell) has a brand new book series called - The misadventures of Max Crumbly.
Now this book has a blue cover and an image of a boy on the front. This boy being the main book character Max Crumbly, and is more likely to appeal to boys.
Max Crumbly is the new dork on the block. The book has similarities to Dork diaries. It is wrote in a similar style with various character entries and incidents, thoughts, feelings etc. There are many doodles and images (drawn by character) throughout. There aren't any dates on the entries as such but each page of entries flows on to the next.
As the text is nicely spaced out, with images appearing regularly, it makes it quite easy and fun to read.
And this brand new book series which starts with "Locker hero" is aimed towards young readers aged 9 and over. The publisher is Simon and Schuster and the book can be found on Amazon and most good book stores. RRP £10.99.