The Minimalists on Tour

By Clairejustalittleless
Look who's in town. The UK leg of The Minimalists Tour opened on Friday 8th October in London and finishes on October 31st in Dublin. 

This Friday evening I shall be hotfooting it over to Birmingham to see Ryan and Joshua from The Minimalists, give a talk about their minimalist journey and read excerpts from their new book, Everything That Remains

What I love about these two is their capacity to demonstrate how minimalism can impact positively on any aspect of your life whether it's decluttering your home, streamlining your schedule or cutting junk out of your diet. Discovering minimalism as a philosophy has been life changing for me and little by little it's beginning to change different areas of my life. Quite simply, life has been more meaningful for me since my first encounter with minimalism four years ago. This month, thanks to Ryan and Joshua, minimalism is about to get momentous in the UK and I think it's going to be exciting.

If anyone has already seen The Minimalists on tour, or has plans to, I'd love to hear from you.