The Mighty River Thames

By Lwblog @londonwalks

To celebrate the 5th Birthday of The Daily Constitutional, our editor has compiled a list of 101 things to love about London…

Here’s LW Guide Fiona H
20/101: The River Thames It has got to be the river - not that I am biased or anything! The Thames has witnessed human life, death and activities for thousands of years and it is possible to walk along the foreshore to see the evidence for yourself in a large number of locations.
The environmental tale of the river shouldn't be forgotten either as well as the rather more sombre story of our misuse of this superhighway that cuts the Metropolis in two on its way from Gloucestershire to the North sea.
I defy anyone not to be awed by the Thames and all that it represents after they have been introduced to it properly and experienced it first hand.
Dr Fiona Haughey Inter-tidal archaeologist and guide of the Thames Beachcombing walks.
Fiona H. Fiona H. conducts our Thames beachcombing walks. An Inter-tidal Aracheologist (and Archaeological illustrator), she's a leading authority on the Thames foreshore. (She's also excavated in many near Eastern and central European countries. Given papers all over the world...well, you get the idea.) And she's a Super Mum - six children! In her "spare" time she spins. For details of Fiona's forthcoming Beachcombing walks click HERE.
A London Walk costs £9 – £7 concession. To join a London Walk, simply meet your guide at the designated tube station at the appointed time. Details of all London Walks can be found at