The Mickey Mouse Easter Egg in GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY

Posted on the 17 August 2014 by Geekasms @geekasms

Disney is well known for throwing in a quick little easter egg into most of their films, that of the Classic Mickey image of three properly placed circles, representing the infamous mouse’s silhouette.  That classic shape isn’t just hidden throughout Disney’s films, but also Disney’s parks and resorts, TV series, and their live-action films.  With Disney now owning Marvel, it looks like Guardians of the Galaxy is the next film to make that list of films with Mickey Mouse making an appearance.

I was lucky enough to go back and check the film out for a second time, and this time scouring the each shot for any easter egg or special little nugget I could find, and just happened to catch this one by chance.

The class mickey shape makes an appearance after The Collector’s museum blow up and we see him laying in the floor surrounded by destruction.

If you look to the left of The Collector, towards his legs, you’ll actually see two shapes that appear to be the classic Mickey.  One where the circles are all separated, and another where the circles actually touch, and make the more traditional and familiar silhouette.

So it looks like you can add yet another easter egg to the growing list that has come out of Marvel’s latest film.  Have you found any that haven’t been pointed out yet?

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