The Mercy of Snakes by @deankoontz

By Pamelascott

A series of suspicious deaths in a retirement home draws Nameless into the confidence of a terrified former resident-and into the dark heart of a shocking conspiracy. In part five of the Nameless series, it's time to hunt.

Oakshore Park is Michigan's most exclusive assisted-living community. Presided over by two killer angels of mercy, it's also the go-to facility in assisted dying. For a cut, they make impatient heirs happy. Nameless must concoct a scheme just as cunning. But righteous retribution stirs disquiet in the avenger as light starts to shine on the black hole of his past. Should he welcome it or keep running?

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Dean Koontz comes The Mercy of Snakes, part of Nameless, a riveting collection of short stories about a vigilante nomad, stripped of his memories and commissioned to kill. Follow him in each story, which can be read or listened to in a single sitting.


[Driving the ninety-six miles from Traverse City to Cross Village, Michigan, just to get the lay of the land, Nameless marvels that such beautiful country and charming, upscale lakeside towns could produce and nurture and long sustain a serial killer admired by nearly everyone]


(Amazon Original Stories, 12 November 2019, 61 pages, ebook, borrowed from @AmazonKindle #PrimeReading)



I enjoyed this penultimate Nameless outing, though a fraction less than the other ones. Nameless and his fellow vigilante's remain little more than question marks. There are more hints that Nameless may be getting his memory back. I wonder if the final story will develop this or will this be left unexplored? With every story, I find myself wondering, are the people Nameless and his cohorts kill truly people who deserved to die or have they been used in some nefarious way? Only one story to go so it could go either way.