The Many Uses of a Rug!

By Decorology @decorology_blog
There are plenty of ways to use a rug in a home that might give you a new perspective on what kind of rugs you choose! I love a rug that has a deeper meaning than just it's beauty. There are so many antique and vintage rugs that bring a sense of history to a room.
via bloglovin
There are rugs whose sole purpose is to tie in all the different colors and styles in a room. So many rugs are designed with such beautiful colors it would be hard to not find one in your style. A great place to shop for rugs by a certain color is Nazmiyal Antique Rugs. Not only do they have a wide variety of rugs but so many different styles to choose from.
via anthropologie
Some rugs are meant to make a space feel longer or wider than it is. Neutral rugs are great for spaces that don't need any extra color but really give you a sense of home.
via apartmenttherapy
Some rugs give you a pop of color that you need to complete a room. Whether it be bright or pastel, a hint of color on the floor can really bring a room together.
via melbripley
My favorite kinds of rugs are ones that make you feel like home where you'd least expect it! A rough outdoor space can easily be transformed into a cozy beautiful place you'd love to spend your days with a simple rug.
via design-milk
Picking the rug is the most important part. There is no denying a quality rug will make a room feel like it was meant to be. 
What kind of rug are you looking for?
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