The Many Benefits of Meditation

By Polmast @bonsaiireland

While meditation is traditionally viewed as a spiritual practice, its physical and psychological benefits are enormous.

Reduce the stress in your life

There’s no doubt that the biggest threat to our physical, psychological and emotional well being in the modern age is stress. It’s a proven fact that meditation helps to reduce stress; leading to deeper levels of relaxation.

Improve your health

Once you can reduce your stress levels, the health benefits are immense.  For example when you reduce stress and anxiety levels in your body, the chances of heart disease diminish greatly. Meditation can give you peace of mind, which is extremely helpful in avoiding many stress related ailments.

It can lower your oxygen consumption (that’s good!), decreases your respiratory rate, slow your heart rate, and increase your blood flow.

It can help you control your blood pressure, decrease muscle tension and headaches….. to name but a few.

Get peace of mind

Many people we have spoken to have said that they spend far too much time in their heads. That their minds are constantly racing. That they are plagued with negative thoughts. Meditation, with practice, is also a proven way to get peace of mind.

Be happy

Yes, the term “peace of mind” is a big clichéd, but it really is so important. If we have no peace of mind and are constantly attacked by negative thoughts, happiness will remain elusive, no matter how materially successful we are in life.

Happiness comes from within. If you can meditate, you may find an unexpected source of happiness within your self.

Acoustic Meditation

Discover the benefits of using ‘Acoustic Meditation’ to help relax your mind. A beautiful three-track album from Ian Masterson and Fionnuala Gill, ‘Damascus’ features birdsong and other natural sounds collected in Ireland, with gentle and encouraging vocals. Damascus Acoustic Meditations has been created to give you the opportunity to slow your pace and take some time out to quieten your mind and be still – even for just a few minutes of the day.

Three tracks available

  • Mari, the sound of the sea with acoustic sounds. (20:05)
  • Lir, beautiful female vocal from Fionnuala Gill. (20:06)
  • Alchemy, Tibetan singing bowls fused with nature and acoustic instruments. (20:11)

Acoustic meditation opening soon on this website