The Man Appears to Be an Idiot.

Posted on the 15 May 2015 by Markwadsworth @Mark_Wadsworth

From The Evening Standard:
The Conservatives lost four seats in London because the city is “turning into Paris” with poorer people being pushed out from the gentrifying centre, a senior Tory MP warned today. He saw four colleagues beaten in the city, Nick de Bois in Enfield North, Lee Scott in Ilford North, Angie Bray in Ealing Central and Acton and Mary Macleod in Brentford and Isleworth.
“The reason we lost Nick and we lost Ange and we lost Mary and we lost Lee is that London is turning into Paris,” he told the ConservativeHome website. "The center is gentrifying and pushing poorer people out. There is a natural demographic challenge there.”

In case the contradictions inherent in that are not obvious, here's the electoral map of Greater London: