The original title of this post was, Does a Caucasian Race Exist? but I changed it as I put the charts in. First we will look at the existence of a Caucasian race, then we will look at the major races of man.
Many non-Caucasians feel that there is no such thing as a Caucasian race, while still holding that African and maybe Asian are valid racial constructs.
However, Caucasian is as valid a construct as Asian, Australoid, or African, at least on genes. I have not studied skull charts very well.
It is pretty clear based on genetics that you can divide off a Caucasian race, an Asian race, an African race and an Australoid race. You may even be able to divide out an Amerindian race somewhere. But the four big splits are:
That is as clear as air, and I don’t see why it would be controversial.
On most of those charts, Indians would plot with Caucasians, but on some they look a little Australoid. Depends on the chart you look at.
On other charts, Indians are a race halfway between Caucasians and Asians. Also on that same chart, we can see a Horner race halfway between Caucasians and Africans.
Here are some charts of the major races:

This chart shows the incredible distance of Africans from all other human races. Africans are very different.
Africans are so far from the other races that racists like to call them a separate subspecies of species, but I doubt if that is valid, and even if it were, it would not be right to go down that road.

Once again we see a very great distance between Africans and all other races on this chart, which divides humans dubiously into 9 separate races.
However, I do feel that a 6 race theory based on this chart would be correct:
NE Asians/Arctic NE Asians
New Guinea/Australian
SE Asian/Pacific Islander
European Caucasian/Non European Caucasian
This chart also shows Africans as extreme outliers and divides humanity into 8 races.
The races are the same as above:
NE Asians
Arctic NE Asians
New Guinea/Australian
SE Asian
Pacific Islander
except that NE Asians and Arctic NE Asians are separted (possibly a valid choice) and SE Asians and Pacific Islanders are separated (a similarly valid choice). Europeans and non-European Caucasians are subsumed into a single race because the differences between them are slight.
Very interesting chart shows a lot more flow between groups and shows some groups straddling borders of other groups.
On this chart, you can see the divergence of East Indians, heading off towards SE Asians. We can also see a pretty dramatic separation between NE Asians and SE Asians, including different types of Chinese. The difference between say a Chukchi, a Samoyed and an Nganasan and a Thai or an Indonesian is quite dramatic.
We also see that “Gurkas,” possibly Nepalese, are separated off into SE Asians, which is interesting. They are on a sort of border between SE Asians and NE Asians.
In addition, the Northern Turkics (like the Altai and the Uighurs) very much straddle the border between Caucasians and NE Asians, falling barely into the Caucasian group. Uzbeks are also on the line, and Northern Chinese and the Chukchi are close to Caucasians. I have seen charts where the Chukchi were actually over into the Caucasian square!
A five race theory.
This five race theory has:
Amerindians/Arctic NE Asians (Amerindians)
SE Asians/NE Asians/Pacific Islanders (Asians)
That chart is not as fine grained as the others, but it’s based on genetics like all the others are.
All of the above charts are based on genes, so clearly, genetically, we can split out an obvious Caucasian major race. I have a hard time why people do not wish to accept this concept.