The Magic of Christmas…

By Mummyoftwo @RaspberryGiggle

October 13, 2013, admin, Christmas, Family, Thoughts & Feelings, , 2

OK, so I know we are still a long way off Christmas this year, however, I was asked by Dotcomgiftshop if I would like to take part in their blogger competition and write a post about Christmas.  This really got me thinking about what Christmas means to me now and how it has changed throughout my life…

As a Child…

As a child Christmas was full of excitement.  I used to love the lead up to Christmas when school would be full of fun activities and the nativity play which always used to put us all in a festive mood.  I remember vividly singing a verse of In the Bleak Mid Winter at one of the nativities.

Me taking centre stage on the front row!

Christmas Eve would mean being taken out to the shops with Mum, Dad and my sister.  They said it was to take our mind off Santa coming, however, it only seemed to add to the excitement being around all the last minute shoppers and festive music playing in the shops.  Bedtime would come and we would leave out the obligatory mince pie, carrot and a glass of whatever spirit was in the house.  Then we would put one of my Dad’s football socks at the end of our beds ready for Santa to fill with lots of nice little presents.

Christmas day itself would start far too early (I must admit to being the main culprit here!) and my sister and I would hastily unwrap all of the presents Santa had filled Dad’s socks with before waking up Mum and Dad to go and open the big presents downstairs.

I always remember Christmas was filled with lots of fun and laughter with family.

Getting Older…

As I reached my late teens and early 20′s Christmas became one thing – parties!  I used to love going out around Christmas time with my friends, having a few drinks and lots and lots of dancing!

When Shadow was our only ‘child’ at Christmas!

Christmas Eve was always a great night out, although not so great waking up to a hangover on Christmas morning – that I don’t miss these days!

Everything changes…

Come my 25th Christmas and everything changed.  On Boxing Day 2007 I found out I was pregnant with Little Mr A!

The best Christmas present…

Now Christmas has a completely new meaning for me and I feel like I have discovered that magic again.  I love seeing Little Mr A having fun at Christmas and getting excited in that build up when he gets to write his letter to Santa and meet the big man himself!

Last year was even more exciting for us all as it was his first year at school so we went to see his Christmas play which was magical in itself.

I love playing Santa on Christmas Eve, getting all of the presents ready and stockings filled and seeing the look on Little Mr A’s face when he wakes up on Christmas morning.

I am so looking forward to Christmas this year.  Little Mr A will be even more excited and Little Miss A will hopefully be more involved than last year too!

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For me Christmas always has been, and always will be, about spending time with family and enjoying the magic that surrounds it for children and I’m so pleased I am able to capture a little of that magic back now I have children of my own.