The Magic Hour

By Popcornandpandas @popcornpandas

I know the Arizona photos seem to be never ending, but there is just too much to share!  I promise you this is the last week of Arizona posts!  These shots were taken during the “Magic Hour,” a photographer’s  most favorite hour to shoot.  This happens about an hour before sunset, and it’s when the light is most lovely for photographs.  We happened to be on the road at this time, and having no set schedule to be any particular place, we frequently made stops to shoot this beautiful scenery.

First and foremost, I want to thank all of our military for serving and protecting our country.  For those who have been lost, we are ever grateful for your strength and bravery.  I hope you all had a great Memorial Day Weekend holiday.

We spent part of ours in Philly visiting friends, and part of it hanging out with friends on the Upper East side and Central Park.  It was a wonderful weekend, and a great kick off to the summertime!

Have a great short week!

