WhatsApp For the convenience of the users, it keeps on making some changes in its platform. Recently the messaging app has rolled out the chat lock feature for mobile users. Now WhatsApp has redesigned the chat share sheet and emoji section for web users. Its update has been released for beta users for testing.
WABBETAINFO has shared a screenshot in its report, which shows that the chat share sheet has been completely changed. The chat window is quite compact and each icon is labelled. Apart from this, the emoji panel has also been given a new look.
WhatsApp is releasing other new features to users that joined the beta program of the web client: redesigned chat share sheet and emoji panel! pic.twitter.com/avK7slOGpW
— WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) May 19, 2023
Emoji panel size reduced
After this update, the size of the emoji panel has reduced and it has come on the right side of the window. From here users can send emoji to anyone. Currently the emoji section covers the entire bottom of the window. With such changes, it appears that the company wants to improve the experience of its users and make its platform user-friendly.
Update will be released soon
The report further states that the company will be rolling out the redesigned chat share sheet and emoji panel to all stable web users in the coming days.
Six new emoji will be added
whatsapp It is also preparing to add six new animated emoji to its platform. If reports are to be believed, Face with Tears of Joy, Loudly Crying Face, Crying Face, Face with Open Mouth, Red Heart and Fire emoji will be added to the emoji section.
The company says that these emoji will become increasingly popular and will improve the chatting experience. These animated emoji can also be released soon.
Shake hands with Truecaller
For your information, let us tell you that the instant messaging app WhatsApp had joined hands with Truecaller earlier this month to stop fake calls. With this, calls and messages made through the Internet can be traced easily. Currently, testing of this service is going on. It is being speculated that by next month this service will be offered to all WhatsApp users.