The Long and Winding Road : What a Switch Off!!!

Posted on the 19 May 2015 by Scotcombs @3rdplanetmedia

What a switch off!!!

For several years the trend to ditch terrestrial and cable based tv has been growing . Today the trend has become almost an epidemic with more Americans finding their video based entertainment through less conventional channels. I say ‘less conventional’ but for how long? The unconventional is fast becoming the norm, customer choice is no longer having plenty of channels to choose from a limited number of providers but having plenty of channels to choose from via plenty of online providers.

There are online ‘tv stations’ today which pull millions and millions of viewers which most have never even heard of. The often talked about potential of the internet video age, which we spoke of some years ago, is now upon us and I am not sure whether the traditional tv companies are ready to adapt in time.

Listen to this explanation by Kevin Spacey, a man who has benefited more than most from the ‘conventional’ model, on the reality of how we need to understand video in our lives…

Control is the thing we all crave, those who have very little control in their lives tend to be really expert at ‘road rage’ !

The very concept of being drip fed our entertainment is a non starter in today’s world and we as consumers are talking with our feet.

As producers and providers we absolutely have to get off the high perch and get away from the ‘king-maker’ attitude and give people what they want. Give it to them now, give it to them whenever they want it and crucially let them be much more a part of the process.

If we do then we all win.
see you on the long and winding road…….. Patrick