The Log Store

By Sue15cat

Lovely Hubby's latest little build has been a stone pathway leading across the front of and down from the log store. 

It matches the one that runs along side the shed in Chicken World, the two are connected by the gate and a paving stone ... not that the chickens use many of our logs and actually need a connecting path 😉 
It all ties in neatly with the new permanent fencing that we have separating Chicken World from our garden area.

It got really slippery at the front of the log store last Winter with all the rain we had, and the slope down to the house when you were carrying a basket full of logs was quite precarious.
Now we can approach the log store and stand in relative safety while we fill the basket and then either step off in front when the ground is not to slippery, or walk down the pathway and turn back to the house if it is.  I just need some thicker soled wellies or some thicker inserts as I can feel every stone through mine at the moment!!

Did you spot a little doggy waiting by the gate.  She was banished from Chicken World while they ate up some popcorn .... she hoovers it up faster than a Dyson if I let her in when I'm giving them a treat !!
Sue xx