The Little Things

By Jessicavenoy @lovelyjesscuh
I love linking up with Lauren for High Five for Friday every week, because it gives me the opportunity to reflect on the little highlights that made my week better. I think that's super important to do on a regular basis.
Here are 5 things from my week that I think are worth high fiving about:

one. I start classes this month, so obviously I HAD to get a new planner ;) I found this cute gold chevron one at's perfect!

two. I wore a maxi skirt for the first time. And I'm gonna be honest, it made me feel really tall! Which is saying a lot since I'm only 5 feet tall.

three. Adam signed up to go back to school this week...I'm so proud of him! He'll be starting HVAC school this month. I'm excited that we're starting school at the same time.

four. There is just nothing like having fresh brows, am I right or am I right?

five. I try my best to eat as clean as possible, but your girl has a heck of a sweet tooth. I found this sweet treat that is SO delicious. I'm such a mint & chocolate lover and this stuff did not disappoint.
Enjoy your weekend, lovely people!