The List by Jade Chang

By Pamelascott

Forget online dating, matchmakers, and awkward setups. In this insightful essay, Jade Chang, author of The Wangs vs. the World, exposes the secrets behind the latest solution for finding love in the twenty-first century.

The new dating craze among the divorced, recently broken up with, and frustrated singles of Los Angeles starts with the creation of "the List." The converted swear by it-just write down everything you want in a partner, and the cosmos will provide. But could such a simple, old-fashioned technique actually work? Enter Jade, who investigates this increasingly popular path to a soul mate, with charming and hilarious effects, tracing the history of list making-and learning about dating and love along the way.

The List is part of The Real Thing, a collection of moving, hilarious, and big-hearted essays on the modern realities of friendship, romance, commitment, and love, with art by Geoff McFetridge. Each story can be read-or listened to-in a single sitting.


[When you're single, people have a lot of advice] ***

(Amazon Original Stories, 28 May 2018, ebook, 36 pages, kindle in motion, Prime Reading)



This is my first time reading the author. I really enjoyed this essay. It was a lot of fun and interesting. People writing a list of things they want in their perfect lover and the world will magically make this happen? Talk about intriguing. If only life was that simple. Make a list of things you want and it shall be. I did roll my eyes a lot reading this. What interested me is how many people swear The List works and led them to their soul mate. Especially how many people find love and magically remember they wrote a list with this person's characteristics and somehow lost it. Right. I can see why The List would appeal to some people. I don't see any harm in writing down what you want in a lover but don't expect them to magically materialise in front of you.