The Lima Subway

By Naturegirl321 @SharonTEFLTips

From Wikipedia

In September 2013 I wrote about the Lima Subway aka the Lima Metro. Since then, the government has chosen a company to build the metro. In March 2014, they awarded a Spanish company with a $5.7 billion contract. If all goes well the work for Linea 2 will have 35 stations over the course of 35 kilometers and will be finished in 2019. Lineas 3 and 4 will cost an additional $5 billion each. Bids are being accepted now and the project will be awarded before mid-2016.
When the entire system is completed it will have 6 lines and will cover over 130 kilometers. Let's hope things go according to plan. Tokyo started their subway in 1927, Chicago started theirs in 1892, and Lima actually started there in 1990 with President Alan. Mismanagement of funds, blatant bribery, and fleeing to France for asylum put a halt to the electric train for over 25 years. That's Peruvian culture for you!
If you don't speak Spanish, you should definitely learn, if only to hear about some of the crazy stuff that goes on in the government. If you're looking to learn Spanish, check out Fluenz Spanish, Rosetta Stone, and Synergy Spanish.