Title: The Lightning ProgenyAuthor: Emily CyrGenre: Adult Urban FantasyCover Designer: Najila QamberPublisher: CHBBModel: Amee GaddyPhotographer: Mandy HollisExpected Release Date: June 19, 2017Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
Delaney Hagen’s life has spiraled into complete pandemonium. After killing the monster who turned her, she thought she’d finally escaped … only to find herself trapped with new enemies. Worse, these enemies are among the Coven – one of whom she thought she could trust.
Reid Jamison refuses to rest until his beloved mate is back in his arms. If that means organizing wolf packs around the globe and taking on the Coven, so be it. But doing so means achieving the impossible task of finding the oldest living wolf – and Reid is running out of time.
The fight to find one another reveals even greater dangers, ones that threaten the future of werewolves and witches alike. The stake of her people rests solely on Delaney’s shoulders. Reid must convince his kind to forgive a centuries-old grudge. Or there will never be peace among the chaos.
War has come to their world. Will Delaney and Reid reunite amidst the bloodshed, or will the fight for freedom send them into ruins?
Author Links: Web: www.EmilyCyr.comAmazon: http://amzn.to/2rqU9toTwitter: https://twitter.com/EmilyCyrAuthorFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmilyCyrAuthor/Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/9856471.Emily_CyrInstagram: emilycyrauthor
Buy Links:The Lightning Prophecy: http://amzn.to/2q9RnUxThe Lightning Legacy: http://amzn.to/2rqStjG