The Life of a Tomato

By Plantedd @Plantedd

Whilst beginning the weekend wind-down we stumbled across this interesting post. For those of you who are feeling experimental, you could give it a try.

This story starts with an over-ripe tomato and a south-facing window and look what was achieved!

What's happening with everybody's tomatoes? Are they a lot later this year?

It's tomatoes all the way down. A tomato sat overlooked on our counter for a month. Then, I noticed some squiggles under the skin and had some suspicions. So, I put it in a South-facing window and came home to this one day.
I took a knife and made some gentle slits in the skin. This is a few days later.
I very carefully opened the tomato and discovered that every single seed had germinated.
Life is amazing.
After the initial transplant; 13 plant groups in all. I ended up losing the peat cups. Even though I was careful, I still managed to kill the root on one of the plants. It was the only fatality.
After a few days.
With some daily watering and a clever hack I saw online, I was able to combat the shitty, shallow soil in front of my apartment.
Weeding was a pain.
About three weeks later.
Tomato flowers! Good signs.
The first real fruit. I don't have any photos readily available of the final haul; this was all pretty late in the season, but I ended up with about 14 small tomatoes.

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