The Liebster Award

By Melissa Boles @_mboles

I’ve been trying to figure out what to share with everyone next (and how to do it), and this amazing nomination fell into my lap.  I’m honored to be nominated for the Liebster Award, an award by bloggers for bloggers.

My nominator is the wonderful Cait the Grateful, a young woman who blogs about the positive things in life – the things to be grateful for.  She’s a wonderful soul, and I’m honored to have been nominated by her.

(Image from Cait the Grateful.)

Her nomination is HERE, and here’s the basic information about the award: The Liebster Award was designed to be given to bloggers by bloggers who see potential in their nominees.  I’m so honored to have been nominated by Cait, who is a light in a sometimes dark world, and who reminds me that it’s important to be grateful and see the beautiful things in life.  I’m definitely grateful for this opportunity to share some things about me and to nominate some other wonderful bloggers for this excellent award.

Here are the rules for the nomination process:

  1. Write a blog post thanking the blogger who nominated you for the Liebster Award, and link back to his or her blog.
  2.  Answer the 11 questions that your nominator asks you.
  3.  Nominate 10 bloggers of your own, with under 600 followers, who you think are awesome and deserving of this honor.
  4. Create 11 questions for your nominees.
  5. Display the Liebster Award logo on your page.
  6. List these rules in your post.

So, without further ado, here are the answers to the questions Cait asked me.

  1. What is something that makes you happy that other people tend to overlook?
    Hugs.  They are so simple and so often only happen when saying hello or goodbye to someone.  I had a co-worker several years ago who hugged me every time she saw me, and it made me gloriously happy.  I wish hugging people happened more.  Did you know that the more you touch others, the happier you are?
  2. What is one song that you listen to in order to pump you up for the day? Come on, I know you have one.
    When my alarm goes off it plays “Happy” by Pharrell (it’s my attempt to wake up happy, and it does not always work), but recently I’ve been turning on “BO$$” by Fifth Harmony when I get to work.  It reminds me that I’m a total boss.
  3. If you could spend a day with any celebrity, who would it be and why?
    Ahhhh.  This is so difficult.  Can all of them be an answer?  Haha actually, I would really love to spend the day with Ellen DeGeneres.  I think she’s such a positive, happy light in the world, and I’d love to just talk to her about life and loving on others.
  4. What is one of your happiest memories?
    One of my most recent ones is the Justin Timberlake concert that I went to in November with my friends Kelsey and Justin.  We drove from Cullowhee (where our graduate school is located) to Raleigh, North Carolina for the concert, had floor seats, and then drove all the way back (five hours!) in the same night.  We had a wonderful time, the concert was amazing, and one of the best parts was when I gave the ticket to Justin.  I put it in a ziplock bag, put it inside a small candle tin, and wrapped up the candle.  He opened the candle, confused, and then when he opened the tin (and the ziplock bag) he shrieked in delight.  I caught the whole thing on video (it’s on my Instagram), and Justin Timberlake even mentioned it in a tweet!  It was amazing, and the concert itself was one of the greatest nights of my life.
  5. Who is the most influential person in your life? Who inspires you?
    I don’t know that I have one “most influential person.”  I try to find inspiration in all of the people that I meet.  One of my former co-workers and friends, April, is inspiring to me.  She’s an associate professor in a program like the one I want to work in, has a gorgeous baby girl, and has a great relationship with her husband.  She has such heart and joy about her, and I miss her a lot now that she and I are on completely different coasts.  April is just an example, though.  I like to think everyone I meet has the ability to inspire or influence me.
  6. Tell me about your best friend.
    Well, I have several best friends, but the one I’m spending the most time with right now is the wonderful Audrey.  She’s also my roommate, and she’s funny and sassy and goes on the best rants you’ve ever heard.  She’s someone I enjoy being around on a regular basis, and I’m so glad we live together (again).  She’s currently finishing her thesis for her Master of Arts in Public Affairs, and hopefully will end up being an awesome lawyer and/or politician one day.
  7. What is your biggest dream?
    I want to be happy.  It took me a long time to love myself and to know that it’s okay to not know exactly what I want to do all of the time, so all I want now is to be a happy being.  I want to be healthy, to love others, and to find joy in every single day.  I’m not very good at any of those things right now, but I’m working on it.
  8. What is at the very top of your bucket list?
    Yeesh.  I have far too many things on my bucket list, but I’d say that at the very top is to write a book.  I’ve wanted to write a book for as long as I can remember, so if I ever finish a book (fiction or non-fiction) and it’s published….well, that’ll just be the bees knees.
  9. When was the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt?
    I want to say just a few weeks ago.  I know for certain I laughed that hard the last time I was with my friend Justin, who is now living in Illinois, but I’m also pretty sure it has happened recently.  I’ve begun to make friends here at home who are wonderful and who are very funny.
  10. What inspires you to stay positive?
    I think it was finally understanding that I don’t have to be perfect.  That I’m so worth loving.  That even on the worst days there is a possibility for joy.  It’s a combination of things, for sure, but the biggest one is just remembering that I’m okay exactly as I am, and that even the people that seem the happiest have their bad days.  And one bad day doesn’t mean I’m a bad or terrible person.  Honestly, the more I take things one day at a time, the more positive I’m able to be.
  11. What are you REALLY passionate about?
    People.  I just want to have coffee with people and talk about their lives and remind them that they are loved.  I’d also like to help them solve their problems.  If I could do that with my every day, I think I’d love my life so much.

So, here are the ten bloggers I’m nominating and, below that, their questions.

  1. Erin Daly
  2. Hannah Boning
  3. Emily Jane Gignac (I’m just getting to know Emily, but she’s my new penpal through the Postmark Society, and I’m excited to get to know her!
  4. Fresh Mix Momma
  5. ChemGradBoom
  6. Legal Miss Sunshine (Another one of my Postmark Society penpals!)
  7. Sarah Biernacki
  8. Tickled Yellow (Heather is a gorgeous, amazing woman whose blog is beautiful and whose heart blows me away.)
  9. Rewriting Life (Kaleigh might actually have more than 600 followers, but I felt the need to include her.  She’s one of my favorite women in the world.)
  10. Lexichelle (Lex is definitely one of my best friends, and I can’t wait to see what amazing things she does now that she’s finished with college.  Her blog is the BOMB.)

Okay ladies, here are your questions!

  1. What made you start blogging?
  2. If you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?
  3. What is the most amazing trip you’ve ever taken?
  4. Who challenges you to be a better person?
  5. What TV show or book do you think it would be fun to live inside?
  6. Who are your top 5 bands or artists right now?
  7. If you only had 1 minute with your 15-year-old self, what would you say to her?
  8. What is your go-to color scheme for decorating?
  9. What is your favorite gift someone ever gave you?
  10. Do you show your love via giving gifts, time, or affection?
  11. What is the number one thing you want to accomplish in the next 12 months?

Well, that’s it for this post.  Thanks again to Cait for nominating me for this wonderful award, and I hope you all have fun answering the questions I thought of for you!  Be sure to check out all of the blogs I nominated – I didn’t mean for them all to be women, but they all sure are wonderful ladies and amazing bloggers!

I’ll be back in a couple of days with a book related post (or two).  Thanks for sticking around. <3"><3"><3"><3"><3"><3"><3"><3