The Librarians of Invercargill Are October’s Hot Slut Of The Month!

Posted on the 10 November 2017 by Sumithardia

The Librarians of Invercargill Are October’s Hot Slut Of The Month!

I may not have been to a library in centuries since every book I’m interested in reading (aka the ones by Jackie Collins) I already own and libraries tend to be zones of prudeshness where they ban sex education films (aka porn sites) from their computers, but that doesn’t mean I can’t honor librarians. Last month, the social media team of the Invercargill Libraries in New Zealand killed the Kartrashians by bringing more life, sex and charisma to their pose game than those trash heap heffas could ever dream of. And this month, the social media team of the Invercargill Libraries killed the competition in October’s Hot Slut of the Month contest.

The Hot Librarians of Invercargill won the crown with 40% of your votes, beating The Most Romantic Newlyweds in the World (32%), AIM’s Running Man Icon (16%) and Mr. Bones Puzzle Candy (12%). They will now go on to the Hot Slut of the Year semi-finals next year. And hopefully by then, E! would have pulled their heads out of the Kartrashians’ assholes and shook off all the butt silicone from their faces before giving the Invercargill librarians their own $150 million reality show contract since they truly deserve it.

Thanks to everyone who voted!

Pic: Facebook

Source: The Librarians of Invercargill Are October’s Hot Slut Of The Month!

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