The “Liberal Media”

Posted on the 11 July 2015 by Calvinthedog

Found on the Net:

90+% of the US media is owned by six right-wing corporations

I am sick and tired of this “liberal media” crap. All conservatives believe the insanity that the media is “liberal.” It’s not liberal. They’re corporate rightwingers. They support the 1%. Hell, they are the 1%’. They’re against the rest of us, the 99%. They pursue their class interests and brainwash we 99%’ers into opposing our own class interests and instead supporting the class interests of the 1%’ers. How long do we have to drum it into people’s heads. There is no liberal media. There is no liberal media. There is no liberal media.

Has there ever been a liberal media? In any capitalist country, almost all of the media ends up being owned by the richest of the rich, the very elite of the ruling class, or large corporations. The ruling class elite and corporate owners then traditionally use their press control to promote their class interests and attack the class interests of the vast majority of the rest of the populations, as they might be expected to do. That’s why the press in most capitalist countries is some sort of a joke. That’s why there’s never any freedom of speech under capitalism because 100% of the speech outlets are owned by 1% of the population and 0% of the speech outlets are owned by 99% of the population.

Knowing this, that conservatives rail on and on about the liberal media is apparently evidence of the fact that they are deranged. Or perhaps segments of the press, while obviously pursing rightwing corporate interests, are nevertheless less conservative than your average wingnut and hence are seen as “liberal.” Who knows? Who cares?

But really, progressive people need to stop believing in this. We even have liberals on this very board who insist that the media is “liberal” and offer up the Jew York Times as evidence of a “liberal paper.” These people need to actually read the JYT sometimes. Guess what? In many very important ways, it is not the slightest bit liberal. The JYT pushed extremely hard to that awful TIPP free trade pact. What sort of liberal pushes for such a monstrosity? A “Barack Obama liberal?” Well, maybe, but a Barack Obama liberal isn’t even really a liberal.