Liam once took down a Mexican cartel for pulling out daisies from his front lawn.
"In this taut thriller, a software engineer Peter (Liam Neeson) and the shoe designer Lisa are successful in their careers and have been happily married for twenty-five years. When Lisa is gone, Peter finds a message in her cellular and decides to snoop her e-mails and discovers in a secret folder named Love that she had a lover, Ralph. Peter travels to Milano and stalks Ralph; he finds that the man plays chess in a bar"
A taut thriller involving shoe design, international travel and games of chess? Batten down the hatches 'cause its Neeson Season!
We open with a fashion show. This movie is going to be like Sudden Death...but with fashion.
...we have Liam doing some light housecleaning...
...we see him hold on to Laura Linney....
You can't accuse this movie of not being action packed. If your actions are limited to frittering away an afternoon. Which Liam does a lot in this movie. I'm sure the movie told me what he does for a living, I just never saw it.
Its pretty disappointing to learn that he doesn't know how email works.
Skip ahead to the story where he goes to Milan to confront the man his wife, Laura Linney is cheating on with. Let the chase and heartpounding action begin!
Yep, this was the chase of the movie - a casual mosey across the street.
And then the two rivals meet and battle it out over chess....
The rest of the movie is a game of chess. Strap in, and forget the airplane. Because THIS is the non stop action you were looking for.
And flashbacks. Lots of flashbacks.
Like, remember the time she made this face at you when you were telling her an anecdote of what you did with your day?
Needless to say, the chess game doesn't go well. Antonio wins and in the first bit of action after about an hour, Liam throws the board on the floor in a fit of rage.
And then they take a walk together.
After some more heartpounding chit chat, Liam sets off to go home, but his daughter has followed him here.
In the end, people were let go, people moved on, and Liam found a new bravery in moving on to a different part of the house to check emails and sort laundry. And Laura Linney moved on from this:
NEVER. Because he will shut that DOWN.