The Letters Of Your Dog's Name Have A Meaning

By Gerard @presurfer
The Letters Of Your Dog's Name Have A Meaningimage credit
At you can find how the letters of your dog's name influence his or her life and thus yours too.
If you have already named your puppy, check the letters of your dog's name to see how the spelling of the name has impacted your dog's life thus far. If you're looking for a name for your new puppy, then give him or her the best gift you can by helping to establish a more content puppy using the letters in his or her name to enhance your dog's personality.
You can add strength of character or take away shyness just by combining letters. Watch your puppy dog for a couple of days to see the characteristics he or she displays. Keep the name you're happy with but use the letters to create the doggy attributes needed.
(via J-Walk Blog)The Presurfer