The Letter C

By Simplyhomeschool
We had some fun with the letter C this week!

Camping I Spy...

We made a 'Camping I Spy' this week.The bear is made from felt and his stomach is covered with some heavy duty plastic I had leftover from covering my dining room chairs back when Aiden was a messy little toddler. After sewing everything together the children and I filled the bear with black-eyed peas and cute little plastic camping pieces. The camping pieces were purchased at Michael's. They are in little packages near the scapbooking supplies. I took a picture of the pieces and am having it enlarged to a 5 X 7 so the children can search for each piece. In the meantime they are having fun just searching for the pieces!

The children had a blast camping in our family room. I strung up rope between two doorknobs and then placed their bedspreads over the rope. 

What's camping without a snipe hunt? I found this cute game on Amazon last year. You hide the snipes and after three minutes their eyes light up and they start to chirp if they have not been found. We love this game!

We continued our outdoor theme with a walk through a corn maze with my sweet little niece. Aiden is mad because the girls are being bossy to him:) 

We also visited some friends property and climbed trees. Aiden was very pleased with himself.

While we were there we collected pretty things and made a nature collection in an egg carton. 

And we caught some lizards and bugs! Ewww!
There isn't a whole lot this week for the letter C! We spent as much time outside as we could. Aiden did have some indoor fun working on his letter C activity packet which you can download for free under my printables!