The Left’s Game Plan for November 3, 2020

Posted on the 10 October 2020 by Thelongversion @thelongversion

The Left’s Game Plan for November 3, 2020You may or may not be familiar with something called the Transition Integrity Project.

You should be.

It is an alliance of Never-Trumpers and Democratic Party operatives who formed a group to war game the 2020 election.

According to The National Pulse, it was founded by Nils Gilman, a professor of the history of the intelligentsia at the University of California at Berkeley, and Rosa Brooks, a former Obama Pentagon official and the daughter of former Democratic Socialists of America co-chair Barbara Ehrenreich.

Members of the group include John Podesta, Bill Clinton, Donna Brazile, Jennifer Granholm, David Frum, Bill Kristol, Max Boot, Michael Steele, members of the Lincoln Project, and other high level political operatives.

You get the picture.

This group created a set of scenarios forecasting instability during the November election and titled it “Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition.” If you were wondering why all the talk and concern over peaceful transition of power, you can look to this group and this document as the match that started that fire.

To me it reads like a conspiracy theorists manifesto, but it’s obviously written to appear benign, non-partisan, civil, and “for the greater good” and maybe it is. That’s for you to decide.

Some things to consider regarding the cast of characters who put this together. The founder Gilman isn’t what I’d call a tolerant guy. His Twitter feed is full of hate for anyone ideologically opposed to him. He tweeted this about Michael Anton just a few weeks ago. “Michael Anton is the Robert Brasillach of our times and deserves the same fate.”

For those unfamiliar with Anton or Brasilliach, Michael Anton is a former Deputy National Security Advisor and speech writer for Trump and Brasilliach is a French intellectual who was shot by firing squad in 1944 by French resistance forces for his advocacy of Nazi collaboration and anti-Semitism.

Again, you get the picture.

Anton recently wrote an essay titled “The Coming Coup,” which warned of plans for a “color revolution” in the U.S. where elections are overridden by mobs and plotted by Deep-Staters connected to George Soros, who invented the color revolutions elsewhere. Do a search for Color Revolutions if you’re unfamiliar with that term.

The target in Anton’s piece is the Transition Integrity Project and rather than argue or defend his project, Gilman suggested the killing of his critics.
I think everyone should read Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition regardless your political affiliations and decide for yourself what it means.

I make note of the makeup of the participants in its creation and the fact that not one is a Trump supporter for a reason. This isn’t an objective paper. This is anti-Trump and anti-Republican. They use the term non-partisan because “Republicans” were involved, but there is no pretense of non-bias.
After reading it, it became clear to me this was a playbook containing all the play calls needed for any given scenario on November 3, who would call the plays, and how they would be executed.

I don’t want to give anything away here. I want you to take the time to read this.

Whether you come away with the same conclusions I have or the complete opposite. Whether you agree with their position and proposed actions or they chill you to the bone. This is information people need to know about prior to what I believe is the most pivotal election in our lifetime.

You can read or download the full document HERE