The Latest Robert Lindsay Hater Games

Posted on the 07 April 2014 by Calvinthedog

This is all coming from the crazy Bigfoot world, but I have to admit it has had me pretty upset for the past few days.

There are now some Internet sites that have gone up for the sole purpose of trashing me. Here is one, called Robert Lindsay Is a Joke. Here is another one, this one called Beyond Dumb.

All of these people have come from Randy Filipovic’s site here. Randy himself has been pretty fair to me, but his commenters have been quite horrible. He did create the environment in which these toxic bacteria grew, but I suppose I should not blame him for that either. Neither should I blame him for his commenters, I suppose.

The WordPress site is stealing all of my copyrighted material without my permission, and it is also stealing all the copyrighted material of my commenters. That is a violation of WordPress’ TOS and it also a violation of the DMCA. I filed a complaint with WordPress for copyright infringement and I also filed a DMCA take-down order. In addition, I filed a complaint with WordPress for abuse, as that blog is solely set up for the purpose of abusing, libeling, defaming, stalking and harassing me. That’s not a very good reason for a blog to exist. In addition to the copyright theft, that blog has no reason to exist.

In addition, some of these same Bigfooter lunatics got into my Facebook page somehow and posted some stuff there. I thought they got into my WordPress site too, but they may not have after all.

In short, I am being Net harassed by a bunch of insane maniacs.

However a friend told me that no publicity is bad publicity. That is the Hollywood way of thinking, “I do not care what they say about me as long as they are talking about me.” I will have to think about that one.

That is why I have not been writing much the past few days. I have been trying to digest all of this harassment stuff.

Any advice would be appreciated. Commiserations graciously accepted also.