The Latest Hysterical Paranoia by the Gun Rights Fanatics - Sponsored by Glenn Beck's The Blaze

Posted on the 18 August 2014 by Mikeb302000
Republican U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller speaks during a debate Sunday, Aug. 10, 2014, in Anchorage, Alaska. (AP Photo/Mark Thiessen)
The Blaze
U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller linked amnesty for illegal immigrants with more gun control.
The Alaska Republican said granting legal status to a large number of illegal immigrants would lead to more Democratic voters, who would in turn enact more gun restrictions and promote more anti-gun judges.
“If 20 million illegals vote, you can kiss the Second Amendment goodbye,” a recent Miller campaign mailer says.
During a Republican debate, Miller also made the correlation between the two issues, the Alaska Dispatch News reported.
“There’s a clear correlation, and the clear correlation is this: If you end up granting amnesty to those who don’t value gun rights, who have not been raised in an environment where the Second Amendment is cherished—is considered to be a God-given right—the reality is over a generation or two, the likelihood is very strong that the Second Amendment will not be here,” Miller said.