The “last Week Tonight” Shows Shows How Herbalife is Targeting Latinos

Posted on the 20 November 2016 by Beinglatinacom

John Oliver's "Last Week Tonight" show always finds a brilliant way to tackle subjects that many news shows just brush over quickly and dissects them in an beautiful way. In the past he has focused on Latino issues, such as the Puerto Rican economic crisis, and Donald Trump's Mexico border wall. Recently Oliver digged his claws into "multilevel marketing" companies like Herbalife, Amyway and Mary Kay make billions, while their distributors suffer and lose a lot of money as they await for promised fruit that never blooms.

When speaking on Herbalife, Oliver show's just how the company has gone out of it's way to recruit Latinos as their distributors. One example that he goes over is how Herbalife pays for advertisements within the beloved Latino household staple tv show genre: The Telenovela. Oliver even gets some help from one of our favorite actors Jaime Camil from "Jane The Virgin" towards the end of the show but rather than share more spoilers on the segment, we have attached the video clip in this article, so that you can learn more about Herbalife and what many think are predatory practices on targeting Latinos.