The Last Rampage (2017) Movie Thoughts

By Newguy

Director: Dwight H Little

Writer: Alvaro Rodriguez, Jason Rosenblatt (Screenplay) James W Clarke (Book)

Starring: Robert Patrick, Heather Graham, Bruce Davison, Alex MacNicoll, Molly C Quinn, Skyy Moore

Plot: The true story of the infamous prison break of Gary Tison and Randy Greenwalt from the Arizona State prison in Florence, AZ, in the summer of 1978.

Runtime: 1 Hour 33 Minutes

There may be spoilers in the rest of the review

Story: The Last Rampage starts when Gary Tison (Patrick) and Randy Greenawalt (Browning) breakout of prison thanks to Gary’s sons. The men go on the run with Cooper (Davison) trying to track them down, knowing what the men are capable off.

Gary and Randy start killing people on their plan to escape, while Dorothy (Graham) the wife of Gary believes God is looking out for them, believing she is losing her children with the rampage being left by her husband.

Thoughts on The Last Rampage

ThoughtsThe Last Rampage is a crime thriller based on the real-life story of the escape attempt by two ruthless prisoners. It shows how religious sons will do anything to get their father back after his time in prison, believing he is in fact innocent of the crimes. The rampage the elder two go on, is both disturbing and shocking with how they just don’t care about what they do. We could have a lot more time looking at Cooper tracking him, because this set of events does seem to cause him the most damage. As the for the story of the escape, it does seem to be one that doesn’t need to be highlighting just how twisted the men were, continuing the idea that we are more interested in seeing the criminals, over the innocent people they killed. When it comes to everything we are seeing, we don’t get to see how far the journey is, how intense the complex between the family is either.

Final Thoughts The Last Rampage is a thriller that doesn’t give us enough sympathy to the victims families, and focusing on the wrong side of the fight.