The Last Breath

Posted on the 24 November 2024 by Sirmac2 @macthemovieguy

The Last Breath- A Spooky Season Review

Shark movie. It’s a shark movie. It’s not really even worth much consideration, but it does happen to be the final film featuring the late Julian Sands.It is actually an unfortunate film, since they clearly shot it not knowing, so his character is allowed to make awful life choices, and no one will remember this film. I always think about these random movies and the often thankless audio description made for them. Congrats on getting the gig, but it’s for a film most won’t like, and will fade away due to lack of word of mouth. The audio description is fine, focusing on the few shark attacks that are neither gory or scary, but some people have paralyzing fears of sharks. Yes, even the ones in movies like this. I may be blind, but I imagined sharks that looked like they were rendered by The Asylum while watching this.

I’m gonna give it a bonus boost in my grade for Sands, who isn’t bad. In fact, no one is actually bad here, the script just gives us nothing. There’s a boat, they make a discovery, later Julian’s younger assistant has some wealthy friends on the boat who have come to party and dive. One of them pays a large sum under the table to go view this wreck, and… sharks. Sharks happen.

So, a bunch of underdeveloped and unlikeable young people get eaten. Will anyone survive?

The film has an infuriating and rather stupid ending, all things considered, but telling you it removes the wonderful experience you’ll have checking it out for yourself. I’ve seen worse this year, where direction, script, and acting just don’t work. Again, I admit that it deserves maybe a lower grade, but there’s only just so much beating I really feel like doing to the last film featuring Julian Sands.

Final Grade: C-