THE KRAFTWERKSTYLE Report on Women’s Fashion Trends 14

By Kelvin Kraftwerk @KKraftwerk

Welcome to THE  KRAFTWERKSTYLE  Report on Women’s Fashion Trends  this post will show you the key trends to look out for as you update your winter wardrobe:


Androgyny is back in all its cross-dressing glory. Models were chosen specifically to highlight this gender-blend and it made for some double-takes on the catwalks. These wonderfully quirky silhouettes, with willowy limbs of women dressed-up as men, had a curious impact on the audience and on the fall of fabric

.This masculine-feminine story climaxes with combinations of loose-fitting slouchy trousers in a pinstripe, coupled with an oversized boyfriend jacket and an extra-large coat.We also see: flat caps and school colours worn as scarves, exposed long socks, laced brogues and briefcase shaped bags. There is some femininity in the hair and make-up, but fundamentally this trend is about passing for a boy or a man.


Inspiration from 14th century religious garments (as so often depicted by Flemish paintings of the time), imbue a sense of purity, naivety and innocence to these dresses. The robes of cardinals, monks, nuns and priests influence a trend that is serene and Godly.

 They were refreshed with  the right amount of contemporary influence that combined to make a modest but powerful statement containing religious twists, such as cuffs, collars ruffs, yokes, hoods capes wimples, tapestry embellishments and heavy embroidery.

 Often simple and plain in color these pious gowns remind us of what good girls should look like.


Heavy brocade and fantasy references build this Medieval trend into something of note. There are puffed sleeves, cages of gold mesh and armour, all finished with opulent and luxuriant details. There is something of the dark ages about these full length dresses, studded plating and grand silhouettes. Criss-cross embellishment and the split sleeve are delicate ways to do this trend in real-life.


From Perspex covered jackets and aggressive fur to slogan and multi-coloured hair, punk attitude is everywhere. The Rebel has roots which can be traced back to the Met Ball earlier in the year and our only traceable trend. Designed to get rebellious young wealthy teenagers to buy high-end fashion, with its harsh prints and combative styling manages to be on the one hand deeply sexy, whilst also being horribly ugly. Think Rebel with a cause and look for metallic finishes and oversized jewelry.

The Key Pieces


Called the “fit and flare” this elegant mid-calf length skirt has a kick at the knee. With a generous use of woven fabrics, it bestows a mature yet contemporary line. Often seen accompanied by a tail of fabric or an additional embellishment, it is a mini trend of its own. Look for a perfectly fitted skirt with interesting folds or flicks of fabric that appear somewhere above the knee, but with a hem, finishing below the knee.


The rounded shoulder and the enveloping exuberance of a heavy “luxe” fabric will encase us once again this AW13. With a soft shoulder and often accompanied by a thick belt the cocoon of these coats and jumpers is mellowed by the shorter length and the sharper collars. This is a popular shape in wearable colours, giving the observer a tantalising notion of what may lie beneath.

The Key Fabric


If you invest in one fabric this autumn make it PVC, the material that has made a storming come-back this season. On everything from trench coats and cocktail dresses to corsets and thigh boots. This high-shine, liquid-like lustrous fabric added a new version of polish to both day and night looks. Once unloved, now adored.

The Key Print


London has been leading the way with print for the last eight seasons and this year is no exception. Floral prints take center stage and look set to stay another winter. Prints applique and cut velvet make these blooms stand apart from their fabrics, appearing almost 3D. The background of the fabric often remains one color to allow this effect to have the greatest impact. These blooms are not overtly feminine nor are they super realistic as we have previously seen, but instead promote a simplistic and dramatic appearance.

The Key Neckline


This neckline has poked out of the archives with such profusion that is impossible to ignore. We had been unaware that the turtle neck was absent until it re-appeared with such gusto that one was reminded of its very existence. It is hard to define a trend based on a neckline alone, but in this instance most fashion writers agree, it is back and forms a statement whether it is gracing a poncho, knitwear scarves, shirts, dresses or jackets. Consider it the essential layering tool for the season.

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