The Kominsky Method (Season 1) Review

Posted on the 24 November 2018 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Sandy Kominsky was once a promising actor but now has his own acting studio and coaches young actors, best friends with his agent Norman we take a look at how they are dealing with old age especially with the death of Eileen, Norman's wife.

To be brutally honest I wasn't really sure what to expect with this one but anything with Michael Douglas and Alan Arkin is bound to be worth watching, right? That is certainly right, this eight episode series was very easy and quick to watch. Some hilarious lines and moments, but all wrapped up with some serious subjects. Mainly getting older and having to deal with illness and death. How can they cope and can they accept it?

Sandy running his acting studio along with his daughter Mindy who really does her best to help her father out. They have a pretty good relationship and I thought Mindy was a very good character. We then get Norman who is an agent but has spent recent times caring for his terminally ill wife Eileen, something Sandy cannot deal with and avoids going to see her. This is a breaking point for Norman as he really struggles to cope without her, although the funeral scene is outstanding! Barbra Streisand? This also sees his daughter Phoebe return she has had many stints in rehab and did not have the best relationship with her now deceased mother.

While this is going on Sandy is having trouble with his prostate and is terrified to actually get it checked out. Even more so with Dr. Wexler around who does not have the most compassion in the world towards his patients.

Lisa is an older student in one of Sandy's classes and they hit it off pretty well, but it soon develops into a very strange relationship when they cannot really decide what exactly it is. Everything about the different situations which occur over the eight episodes feel like real life and something you could end up going through or someone in your family. I think those reasons could be why this will be a successful series.

I love Michael Douglas and this series just confirms that even more in all honesty, he is a breath of fresh air and a pleasure to watch as usual. The same goes for Alan Arkin and the pair really do hit it off together and have such a believable on-screen friendship. That friendship which means calling each other names a lot and being tough on the other. Sarah Baker as Mindy worked very well with the pair as well, I was impressed with her presence on screen and felt she was a great character. If we get a second season I would love to see her being developed more.

This really is worth watching for the performances with some very witty comments mixed in with what it expect as you get older and quite frankly how not to deal with it. I think it also paints a different picture to the supposed glamour of acting and being an agent in that world.