The “Knockout Game” Is a Hate Crime, But Only If You Are White!

Posted on the 28 December 2013 by Calvinthedog


The Knockout Game is a crime game started by Blacks, who run up to strangers, generally Whites, but sometimes Hispanics and Asians, and try to knock them down with one punch.

The media completely ignored this crime for years when it was only reported on White Nationalist and White racist websites. Those people are terrible human beings, but at least they were reporting the truth about this crime. You know your society has gone completely sick and insane when the only people telling the truth about a certain issue are the White nationalists!

Thousands of White Gentiles were badly beaten by Blacks in a series of blatantly racist hate crimes, but the US media did not take notice until one Jew got knocked out! The message the US media told us: One Jew is more important than tens of thousands of White Gentiles.

Now there has finally been a hate crime arrest in a Knockout Game incident. I eagerly went to the page. Finally they arrested one of these Black blankety-blanks on hate crime charges, I thought! It’s about time! Oh, but how wrong I was!

The man who was arrested for a hate crime in a Knockout Game attack was a White man who hit a Black man.

Think about it now: Tens or hundreds of thousands of Whites are pummeled in Knockout Game attacks, probably near all of which meet the full definition of hate crimes. Yet, not one single Black attacker was ever charged with a hate crime for attacking a White person, not even when the attack was fatal, as it was in a few cases.

However, let one single White man raise his Knockout Game hand against a poor innocent Black man, and he immediately lands hate crime charges, and it’s all over the sickening PC media.

The White nationalists are awful, crazy people. They are viciously racist. But on some issues, they are simply correct. The WN’s say that the media and even the judicial system is anti-White in the US. It seems bizarre to say that, but in some ways, this odd accusation is actually true. Look at the Knockout Game data presented above. Tens of thousands of Blacks commit hate crimes against Whites and not one hate crime charge is filed. A single White lays a hand on a Black man and the hate crime hammer comes pounding down on his head. So in a sense, yes, the US judicial system and the US media are indeed biased against Whites and favor Blacks over Whites, odd as it sounds.

The WN’s say that this is because the media and the judicial system are bristling with hatred against Whites, but I doubt if this is true. The real reason is more banal. The media and the judicial system are simply PC. Due to PC whackery, cops are afraid to file hate crime charges against Blacks but perfectly willing to file them against Whites. After all, PC says only Whites can be racist, eh?

The US media is similar. The media knew full well the truth about these Black battalions charging across our benighted land bashing innocent Whites over the head. They knew that these were racist hate crimes. But they were afraid to tell the truth because they thought it was inflammatory. The media is terrified of being pegged as racist against Blacks, and they do not want to stir up racism against Black people for various reasons. One reason is that the PC Police would have pounded on their heads for reporting the truth about the Knockout Game. Another reason is that media people are good liberal PC types who do not want to reinvigorate anti-Black racism, which after all has a nasty history.

One the other hand, White people are always fair game, and the media loves to portray the horrible racism of White people. This is because PC says that the main problem in the US and the world is White folks and their horrible racism.

So while the judicial system and the media are indeed biased against Whites in some respects, the reasons for that are more banal than savage.

I must say though that your nation has reached a horrible place when the only people who are telling the truth on certain issues are the monstrous White nationalists. When those crazies are the only truth-tellers and everyone else is lying, what this means is that your society has gone insane.