The Kitch-him- a Third of Women Think Their Man is the Better Cook

Posted on the 27 March 2013 by 72point @72hub

Three out of ten women believe their man is a better cook than they are, it has been revealed. Researchers found the idea of the kitchen being the female domain is becoming a thing of the past, as men are growing more confident in the kitchen and being inspired by celebrity chefs like Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsey.

Not only are many men better cooks than their wives or girlfriends, but many women also said their other half is more adventurous when it comes to cooking.

One in ten women even said their kids preferred their partner’s cooking over their own.

A spokesman for Kikkoman Soy Sauce, which commissioned the research, said:

”For years, the common assumption has been that the kitchen was considered to be a woman’s domain.

”But it seems men are becoming bigger fans of cooking than ever before.

”And many have got the ultimate seal of approval from their partner with women admitting they aren’t the best cook in the home.

”Celebrity chefs, many of which are men, have made cooking much more popular over the last few years and it looks like this is finally rubbing off on guys.

”Cooking is no longer something reserved for women or just a necessity but can be fun for both men and women.”

The study of 2,000 Brits found that 34% of women reckon their other half is the best cook in the household, while another 36% say their husband or boyfriend is usually the one who experiments with the more exotic dishes.

One in five women even say their man cooks the majority of the meals in their home, with the average guy now cooking three evening meals each week.

65% think all men are chipping in more with the cooking than they did in previous generations.

Researchers also found that 73% of men consider themselves to be a good cook, while another 59% think they are an adventurous cook.

More than three quarters also believe that men enjoy cooking more than ever before, with 62% putting this down to it becoming cooler and more trendy than it was in the past.

38% believe it’s down to the rise in popularity of celebrity cooking shows, while 37% think male chefs like Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay have helped to make it a more popular hobby.

It also emerged that men are taking charge of the more exotic dishes while women stick to more traditional meals, with 64% of Brits saying this is the case in their household.

While women are most likely to rustle up roast dinners, casseroles and stews, men are making curries as well as dishes such as steak and chips and Chinese meals.

A spokesman for Kikkoman added:

”It is great to see that both genders are sharing the cooking and that men are taking more interest and experimenting with different cuisines.

”It means many homes are likely to experience a much wider variety of recipes and tastes without getting into a food rut.”


1.    Roast dinners
2.    Pasta
3.    Casserole
4.    Curry
5.    One-pot meals
6.    Stew
7.    Salads
8.    Fajitas
9.    Steak and chips
10.    Chinese meals (stir-fry, etc)


1.    Pasta
2.    Curry
3.    Roast dinners
4.    Steak and chips
5.    Casserole
6.    Stew
7.    Chinese meals (stir-fry, etc)
8.    Fajitas
9.    One-pot meals
10.    Salads