the Kindergarten Quandry

By Omamas @jeannjeannie

Abby here, confessing that I’ve gone back and forth as to whether or not write about this.

Part of me feels like this should be an easier decision, and I need not rely on other peoples opinions and experiences.  But the other part of me feels like I’m running in circles, and I’m hoping maybe some of you have really wrestled with the same issue…

So here’s where I’m at: I’ve got a wonderful 4 year old son who will be starting kindergarten next year.

For the last 2 or 3 years, I’ve been pretty amped up about homeschooling.  This really wasn’t something up for debate.  I was excited about it.  I researched, looked into the local co-op, read blogs and books, and asked a million questions.

Now here we are, with just one short year before kindergarten, and I feel stumped.  I’ve felt less and less adequate to homeschool the closer we get to kindergarten, yet a huge part of me still longs to do so.  I love the idea of it, I’m just not sure about the reality of it.

As for most parents, the three obvious options here are homeschool, private school and public school.

Private school wasn’t something we considered until our church began meeting a wonderful private school here in town. Getting to know the school and some of the students and teachers has definetely warmed me up more to this idea. There are just so many factors…. a few being the price, that fact that it takes a classical education approach and then also the rumors that there is very little emphasis on play for the students.  One advantage to this private school is their kindergarten program is a 1/2 day, which I think could be a good transition into school for my boy.

Then there is the cute little public school down the street, that every person I’ve met in Bozeman who knows anything about the school district here says I am CRAZY to not send my child there.  There is usually only one class per grade, and I have heard nothing but amazing things about the place.  To top it off, my son just started a neighborhood soccer team, and every single boy on his team will be in the kindergarden class next year.  Many of the parents have older children already in school, and they think the world of that place.

But then I’m back to square one in that in a perfect world I really do think I’d like to homeschool… I think.

So… I guess this is just a brain dump, but I would love and appreciate any advice.  Surely I am not the only one who has struggled with this….