The Key to Change... is to Let Go of Fear!

By Mmpotrony @mmpotrony
I'm sooo sorry for being away all this days, but I just had to figure out a lot of new things! I moved so I didn't had internet for like 1 week or something like that, I was LITERALLY dying, and just for you to know, there are no places with WI-FI in Bcn, that was the most frustrating thing ever. I started college!! YEII!! - it is vacations already?, just kidding- until now, I LOVE IT, but i only had like 3 classes, so I hope I don't change my mind, but definitely Fashion Design is my passion. 

The key to change...  is to let go of fear!

''You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?''  -Georg Bernard.

So, like all my life is making a HUGE change I decided just to add another one to the list. This post is about HAIR! I want to changes my hair, YESS I know I had just dyed like one month ago but I got tired, don't get me wrong, I love this color, deep violet, and I recommended to anyone who wants darker hair, but you have to know that after washed a few times, it loses the violet and looks like really dark brown. I miss my blonde hair! I'm obsessed with blonde hair -I'm a frustrated blond-, but my one was too damage for all the bleached and stuff -that's the main reason I got darker hair-, but know I find this amazing technique, that i love soo much, Ombre Hair.

The key to change...  is to let go of fear!

Ombre Hair

Thank you Rachel Bilson and Drew Barrymore, for making my life easier!! This trend allows women to have blonde hair with out worrying about the roots or the damage. Its like my pray has been heard. I really want it, but then, I went to the salon and they told me my hair is to dark to achieve the blonde right away and that I should wait until my actual color fades a little bit more, I was so disappointed but well, what else can I do? Now I have to wait, and just for you guys to know, I'm really impatient.

The key to change...  is to let go of fear!

Drew Barrymore

The key to change...  is to let go of fear!

Rachel Bilson

Don't you just love it? I had my hair in all colors and shapes, I like to changed a lot, but this is by far the style I like the must, and I can wait to pull it off, but for now I will have to get through with my hair, which I also like, but you know, that's just like when you have your hair long and you want it short, then you cut it, and for the first week you love it, but then again you are crying over your long hair, just that for me is with color.

“The eye sees a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination awake.” -Leonardo da Vinci

I love bangs, they look beautiful, but they are such a work! keep them always right, so I can't wait for them to grow, I promise I will NEVER cut them again!marinee.