My comments section is now full of Judeophiles lavishing praise all over the Jewish people. I am never really sure why people do this. It seems that with the Jews, it’s love em or hate em for some odd reason. Or you could just be like me and try to ignore them as much as possible, but no one seems to be able to do that.
All of you slavish Judeophiles are as nutty as the anti-Semites. To the anti-Semite, the Jew is the both the center of the universe and the font of all evil. To the Judeophile and the Jew, the Jew is the center the universe and the font of all that good and wonderful. Do you see how both sides are screwing up? Both sides are insisting that the Jews are the center of the universe! They agree! Jews and Nazis agree! 99 44/100 of all Jews and Nazis agree that the Jews are the center of the universe. It’s just that the antisemites think the Jews are the center of all evil, and the Jews think the Jews are the center of all good.
Obviously, they’re both completely full of crap. The Jews aren’t the center of much of anything, except in their own swollen and silly heads. Personally, I think they are pissants and highly annoying pissants at that. The less I think about Jews the better I feel, mostly because Jews give me a headache.
Exactly how well do you Judeophiles know Jews anyway? How many Jews have you known? How much time have you spent around Jews?
I’ve been around Jews my whole life because my parents were slavish Judeophiles. But even my Mom is better than the folks in my comments section because she admits that Jews can be sleazy businessmen (lie, cheat and steal for money) or white collar criminals, and she also says that they can be obnoxious and rude. And my Mom is wildly Judeophilic. But she ain’t stupid. She’s Jew-wise. She knows them too well, and so do I.
Now I am very much Jew-wise, and I have become more and more cynical about this pissant little tribe of penny ante humans as the years have gone by. The Jews are a mixed bag, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. The truth of the Jews would be a book called The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. You Judeophiles only see the good. Trust me when I tell you that is there is very much a bad side to the Jews, and there’s even an ugly side too, and it’s pretty damned ugly.
At their worst I simply find Jews annoying, tiresome and idiotic. This is a group of humans who is so wrapped up in themselves that they think they are the center of the universe or maybe that they are the only humans at all in the universe.
This little analogy will help you to understand the Jews. It’s really about the Jewish religion, but the Jewish religion is the Jews. Even atheist Jews are all wrapped up in the Jewish religion, and that’s the whole problem.
Ever seen a spotlight on a stage? The stage is dark, completely dark, you cannot see a thing. Then the spotlight appears, and there is one person standing in it. That one person standing in the spotlight is the Jews. The spotlight is the lousy Jewish religion. The rest of the stage, all in darkness, is all the rest of the world, all of the non-Jews. The non-Jews are in the darkness. It’s not that they’re evil or subhumans or any of that. It’s more like they are not even there at all. Nothing else really exists except for the Jews.
Now personally, I think that is a pretty shitty way to look at the universe, but this is the worldview of the Jew. A lousy one.