The January F&F Bloggers Night In

By Annamoss84 @missanniebean
Just like a hedgehog during the winter I tend to hibernate.  I can't stand the first few months after Christmas as I feel deflated and washed up, plus I'm not having the best start to the year as I caught chicken pox which really knocked me for six.

I'd just about recovered enough from chicken pox to return to work when I got an email from F&F offering a blogger night in campaign.  I browsed the email further and learnt I'd recieve goodies for a night in with a friend, so had to provide our dress sizes and shoes sizes... I was very interested to learn what we'd be getting!

I came home after a day of work feeling totally drained to a wonderful box of goodies from my favorite people at F&F.  My friend and I had new PJs and slippers each, a DVD, plus a mixture of delicious treats to nibble on.  I couldn't wait until Friday to stop and do absolutely nothing but chillout... I needed this so badly.

Friday came and the PJ night commmenced and was to be hosted at my friends gorgeous cottage.  Honestly it's every girls dream as it's such a cute place full of quirky bits and bobs.
Switiching a night out in party frocks for a night in with pajamas was exactly what I needed.  I'd been having a terrible start to the year with being poorly then getting stressed from various bits, so I really needed this more than I actually realised. Have you felt like that?
Pyjama Top - Camisole Top - £5.00Pyjama Bottoms - Metallic Checked Flannel Lounge Pants - £8.00
Slippers - Spot Ruffle Ballerina Slippers - £5.00
Pyjamas - Let's Sleep in Pyjamas - £9.00Slippers - Spotty Fleece Slipper Socks - £4.00

F&F do a lovely selection of nightwear and I've already got quite a selection from various seasons.  You honestly cannot beat getting home and snuggling up on the sofa in your favorite PJs... bliss! 

We were very lucky girls and in our blogger night in kit we had a selection of treats to nibble on. Charbonnel Et Walker Hot Chocolate was in there, which I must add is how your imagine having hot chocolate with Father Christmas would be.  We also had Butterkist sweet popcorn, Haribo Starmix and (the most delicious chocolate) Hotel Chocolat selection of chocolates.
We also had a Soap & Glory facemask to use, which was the perfect way to unwind after a hard week. You can't have a night in without a facemask!

I even made a new friend :)

All our nibbles teamed with good pyjamas, a face mask and chick flicks, was the ideal way to spend a Friday night during the cold January month we're having.  Investing in some pajamas doesn't have to break the bank which can see from the cost breakdown, plus don't forget that when you're on a night out chance are you will spend a heap more... 

Are you hibernating this January and having nights in?xoxo