The IT Crowd (Netflix): a Great Comedy in the Tradition of Big Bang Theory to (re) Discover – News TV Series

Posted on the 28 May 2020 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear

The hilarious geek sitcom "The IT Crowd", which stages the crazy daily life of computer scientists in a large company, is to (re) discover urgently. A cult show available on Netflix.

Fremantle Media

If you're a geek at heart, you're going to have to! If you are not necessarily so, but have a strong fondness for absurd British humor, you will no doubt also be completely amazed! What are we talking about ? From the hilarious geek sitcom The IT Crowd, a 100% cult show to (re) discover urgently on the Netflix platform, which offers the four (too) short seasons of the series as well as a special episode in the form of a conclusion.

Created in 2006 by the Irishman Graham Linehan (Father ted, Black Books), The IT Crowd immerses the viewer in the crazy daily life of Jen, Roy and Moss, who make up the IT support department of a large company. Their colleagues evolve in a magnificent setting, but the trio works in the basement, in a dark and horrible cellar. His goal: to fight to make it a livable environment ...

Why do you have to (re) discover The IT Crowd quickly? Because this series in line with The Big Bang Theory is first of all a real treat of quirky humor. Whether it is purely visual gags, sitcoms or dialogues, everything is delicious for those who appreciate the second (or even the third) degree. Then because, quite rare, she never really suffers from "hollowness", succeeding in the bet of spinning a smug smile almost continuously. Very quickly, The IT Crowd gets into the heart of the comic subject: what show can indeed boast of laughing from its ... foreground?

To tell the truth, it doesn't really matter, whether we are geek or not: The IT Crowd should speak to everyone. Already because everyone, their PC victim of a bug or downright stranded, was probably confronted at least once with the famous cult question of the show: "Have You Tried Turning It Off And On Again?" (( "Did you try to turn your computer off and on again?"). Then because the series quickly exceeds the computer-geek framework to attach to its funny protagonists, whose adventures go far beyond the internet, hard drives and other considerations specific to theInformation Technology (the famous IT) ...

Because if The IT Crowd is such a success, if it is also jubilant, it is also and perhaps especially thanks to its brilliant trio of actor, composed of Chris O'Dowd, Katherine Parkinson and the priceless Richard Ayodade (ah, this phrasing like no other!). Not to mention a hilarious slew of supporting roles, including the two bosses of Reynholm Industries, embodied by Chris Morris and Matt Berry (currently playing in the vampiric series What We Do in the Shadows).

She already has a few years behind her, but The IT Crowd remains timeless, and it is not her recorded laughter that could spoil the fun. On the contrary, this very "sitcomsque" old-school process adds to the charm of this series full of cult moments, a series that you find yourself wanting to see again quickly, laughing almost in advance. If you talk about it around you, you will inevitably find fans of this irresistible show (the author of these lines has experienced it, it is quite striking), so only one piece of advice: rush yourself on The IT Crowd!

The IT Crowd - Available on Netflix. QUIZ - Guess which cult series corresponds to each final plan [SPOILERS]

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