The Inside True Blood Blog Chats with Brit Morgan

Posted on the 08 May 2012 by Tbfansource @tbfansource

Debbie Pelt being gone means one less thing for Sookie Stackhouse (Anna Paquin) to worry about. But life on set without her portrayer Brit Morgan leaves the cast and crew a bit sad. So Gianna Sobol recently chatted with Brit for the Inside True Blood Blog about whether she misses True Blood, how she prepared to play Debbie, what her most intense moment was, and who made her laugh on set.

Brit says that she misses the wonderful and talented people she was surrounded by on set the most. She says she felt part of a family. But she also misses playing Debbie and the new things she got to play with every episode.

As for how she prepared Brit tells Gianna all of the things she did and in the process reveals just how dedicated she was to playing the part including going to NA meetings:

“To prepare myself for Debbie, I researched a lot about addiction because it’s such a huge part of her life. I attended NA meetings every month and talked to different people about recovery and battling addiction. Through both seasons I kept a journal for her that I would write in to get into character and I made many CD’s of music that I thought she would like or that made me feel close to her. I rehearsed for every episode with my acting coach and watched some great documentaries on wolves! “

Debbie also had some pretty intense moments in seasons 3 and 4. But according to Brit, the most intense one had to be the sex scene between Alcide (Joe Manganiello) and Debbie:

“I would say in the 4th season, there’s a scene were Alcide and Debbie are having sex and midway through she confronts him about his feelings for Sookie. It was challenging because it was a short scene with so much going on emotionally and at the same time I’d never done a sex scene before, so there were many things to juggle. It ended up going smoothly but I remember being nervous for about two weeks before I shot it. “

While Debbie might be dead…it might only be for now. Brit hopes that her character will be back at some point but she says it wouldn’t be pretty if she was.

And while Debbie and Sookie were always at odds with each other, Brit says Anna Paquin was actually the one who made her laugh the most on set.

So tell me Truebies will you miss Debbie Pelt? Tell me in the comments below!

Source: Inside True Blood “A Few Words with Brit Morgan (a.k.a. Debbie Pelt)”

Image Credit: Angela Weiss, Getty Images