The Insane Sequester Cuts

Posted on the 02 March 2013 by Calvinthedog


There really was no reason for any of this nonsense to happen. The deficit has already been cut by 50% since Obama took office and it could easily be cut by much more than that. For one thing, we could get rid of the Bush tax cuts once and for all. That would pretty near solve the budget deficit right there. Those tax cuts, even the middle class ones, are simply unsustainable. As we go into the future, we are going to have to make huge cuts to programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security in order to pay for those stupid tax cuts.

Far Right Republican Barack Obama has said over and over that he is 100% down with cutting if not destroying altogether Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. It is mystifying why he feels that way, but in the bottom of his black reactionary heart, Obama is a Reaganite, a far rightwing Republican. Ronald Reagan is his political hero. He nearly worships the ground on which Reagan walked. As Reagan desired to destroy our social programs, so of course does Barack Obankster. He is just another capitalist dog like all the capitalist vermin politicians. He also has apparently bought 100% into the lies that our social programs are economically unsupportable and that having social programs in the US is unsupportable and will eventually bankrupt the country. It’s utter nonsense, but Barack the capitalist has swallowed it whole.

Just a few days ago, Barack got up and gave a speech bragging about how much he has cut out of our great and necessary government programs. He was bragging to the Republicans about this! Who is this guy? Is he trying to out Republican the Republicans?

Over and over, Barack has tried to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. He is absolutely determined, like a bulldog, to cut these programs! His party has stopped him over and over, but he just comes right back in a year or so and proposes or even demands it again. He’s dead set on gutting these programs, and he has been from the day he walked into office. In fact, he campaigned on this very issue. Total War on the Poor is an issue that Barack feels very deeply about it, the blackest depths of his inky and soiled soul. The guy hasn’t gone over to the enemy; he’s been with them the whole time, but we never even knew it.

Look at this chart. It’s some kind of a sick joke.

Want to send your corporation’s jobs overseas? No problem! If you do that, we will even give you a huge tax cut to reward you for firing Americans and hiring Indians! $583 billion in tax breaks for corporations who choose to do the patriotic thing and fire Americans in order to hire sleazy Mumbai Hindus.

The sequester cuts will raise the eligibility age of Medicare and Medicare beneficiaries will see their premiums rise shortly while their benefits are cut. This is the “Medicare reform” that the diabolical Obama has been screaming about for years now! This is what the sick little worm Barack wants.

The stupid sequester cuts will cost the economy 1 million jobs, many of which are probably never coming back. They may well send the economy into another recession or even depression.

In return for that, a $54 billion tax break to the ultra-rich for refusing to pass the Buffet Rule for an alternative minimum tax rate for millionaires.

70,000 kids thrown off Head Start.

In return, $293 million for not limiting the extra benefit of tax reductions for the top 2% (those making $200-300,000/yr).

10′s of millions of Americans will their Social Security checks cut in the future as they do not keep pace with inflation.

In return, $21 billion for a tax loophole for Wall Street hedge fund manager and leveraged buyout specialists.

500,000 low income people with HIV/AIDS will lose access to their medication they need to stay alive. How many will die?

In return, $149 billion in offshore tax havens for slimy corporate scum like Microsoft, Apple, and (don’t be evil LOL!) Google.

4 million fewer meals delivered via Meals on Wheels to our poor seniors. I don’t understand this program well. What is it all about?

In return, $3 billion tax loophole for Wall Street derivatives traders.

This is nothing but Class War. Why do Americans always support the rich in Class War? I will never understand this.