The Importance of Good Dental Care During Pregnancy

By Craftycrunchymama
When you think about taking care of yourself during pregnancy, what comes to mind? Most likely things like taking a prenatal vitamin, getting plenty of rest and exercise, and eating nourishing foods are on the top of the list. I have found out the hard way that there is something very important missing from that list - proper dental care.
I have never really had to pay much attention to my tooth care routine. When I was younger I had my share of cavities, but that seemed to taper off when I got older and my current dentist told me I had great teeth. I brushed twice a day and flossed if I had time and felt like it. I carried that routine with me right into my pregnancy.
I am now suffering the consequences.
I can give you a long list of why I didn't get regular checkups (the main reason being health insurance limitations) and why I didn't brush and floss more (morning sickness), but none of that matters now. My teeth are in trouble.
I have been experiencing a lot of pain and sensitivity in my teeth. This had been going on before the pregnancy, but got much worse during and after. When I finally got an appointment a couple of weeks ago, the hygienist told me right away that I am having issues with my gums. She wasn't able to diagnose it officially because it was a quick appointment to asses what was going on, but she seemed to be leaning toward Periodontitis. She explained that my teeth were losing minerals (not enough calcium) and I wasn't taking care of my teeth as well as I should have been. I have weak spots in my teeth near the gums that could become cavities at any time.
I had to have a quick but painful and disgusting Iodine treatment to kill the germs at the gumline. That stuff tastes like melted plastic. I was then sent home with a soft toothbrush, floss and information about re-mineralization toothpaste and water flossers.
I asked her why this happened to me and she said "Babies take a lot out of you". No kidding.
So why do I even bring this up, I mean it is kind of embarrassing. When people tell me they have teeth problems I picture some out back hillbilly with only three teeth and they are all black. To look at me, you wouldn't know the difference. You can't tell I have weak spots, but I do.
I hope that you take the time to read this and share. Taking care of your teeth during your pregnancy is so important! With rising hormone levels, episodes of vomiting, eating more sweets, and the calcium leech living inside of you, it is very easy for your teeth to suffer.
Here are some simple things that can be done to assure that you don't run into the troubles I am facing now:
  • Get a checkup before you get pregnant so that any work can be done safely. My dentist didn't want to touch me with a ten foot pole while pregnant.
  • Make sure you get at least one checkup during the pregnancy.
  • Take your calcium!
  • Brush and floss at least twice a day.
  • If you must give in to your cravings for sweets (as I did) brush your teeth immediately after.
I am in the process of mending my teeth. The hygienist seemed optimistic that I can take care of this and not suffer too many long term consequences. If I ever get pregnant again, I will already be taking wonderful care of my teeth and I plan to take that practice with me into the pregnancy as well as extra precautions.
Here are a couple of links that I found helpful:
ADA Dental Minute - Dental Care During Your Pregnancy (Video)
Web MD - Dental Care and Pregnancy
Do you have any dental problems caused or made worse by pregnancy?