The first 12 weeks of life are extremely important and determine, to a great extent, a puppy’s personality and sociability. Studies show that puppies go through a series of developmental stages. The successful negotiation of each stage is essential to avoiding future problems such as timidity, fear-biting, phobias, and dominance aggression. A pup with little or no exposure to people and dogs during the first three months of life adjusts poorly as an adult despite attempts to compensate for this at a later date.
(Check out It’s Puppy Play Time)
The Importance of Early Socialization for Puppies
Separating puppies from their mothers and littermates before 6 weeks of age has been found to have adverse effects on a puppy’s weight and physical condition. During the period between 3 and 8 weeks of age, puppies are receptive to and greatly influenced by interactions with their dam, littermates, and other dogs on the premises.
These interactions enable the puppy to develop self-awareness and adopt appropriate dog behavior. The ability to get along with dogs later in life is due, in part, to a smooth transition through this 3-to 8-week period. Thus, puppies should remain with their dam and littermates until they are 8 to 10 weeks of age and are fully weaned and eating puppy food.
Between 5 and 7 weeks of age, puppies become receptive to forming relationships with people. During this stage, puppies learn the leadership role of human beings and also learn that people are not threatening and provide food, pleasure, and rewards.
(Check out Doggy Day Care for your Pooch)
At 8 to 9 weeks, puppies develop strong preferences for urinating and defecating on certain types of surfaces: carpets, floors, grass, dirt, and so on. Housetraining can begin at this age. If the puppy room has been divided into two or more distinct areas, puppies will have started to housetrain themselves by using one area to eliminate. Providing such an area with a distinctive substrate, such as wood shavings, will help the pups adjust in their new homes. The new families can then put some wood shavings out in the area of their yard they wish the pup to eliminate on.
At 10 to 12 weeks, and again at 16 to 20 weeks, puppies are curious and do well exploring novel environments. This is a good time to begin car rides, obedience classes, and trips to the park.